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Start of my 2DOF simulator.

Discussion in 'DIY Motion Simulator Projects' started by zach bladow, Jul 25, 2022.

  1. noorbeast

    noorbeast VR Tassie Devil Staff Member Moderator Race Director

    Jul 13, 2014
    Innovative tech specialist for NGOs
    St Helens, Tasmania, Australia
    +10,943 / 54 / -2
    My Motion Simulator:
    3DOF, DC motor, JRK
    For now leave the Intensity Level at 100%, unless there is vulnerable hardware such a SCN actuators.

    Grab a copy of the SimTools manual and keep it handing for reference: https://www.xsimulator.net/community/faq/rtfm-start-with-the-official-simtools-documentation.117/

    Then see the motion profile Tuning Tips in the FAQs, in particular capturing the Max/Mins in the Tuning Center and keeping the overall total Axis Assignment Allocation to around 100%: https://www.xsimulator.net/community/faq/steps-to-create-a-motion-profile.228/
  2. zach bladow

    zach bladow New Member

    Sep 25, 2018
    +3 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, DC motor, Arduino
    Thought I would add some photos and what I am using for this project.

    The frame is mainly constructed of some extruded aluminum that I found at the local scrap yard. FREE
    The steering wheel and pedals are the Logitech GT Force. I think I paid 50.00 bucks 10 years ago for it. $50.00
    The seat is off of a ford mustang. Stripped as much out of it to save weight but still heavy. FREE
    Controller is a Arduino Uno that I ahd laying around from a CNC project. FREE
    Motor driver ia the Hailege VNH5019 2-channel DC motor driver board off amazon. $30.00
    I am using two motors off a jazzy pride wheel chair that I bought for a 100.00 of craigslist in college for a electric lawn mower project. Never finished it but I got the motors for this project now. $100.00
    Power supply is a 12v 30 amp power supply off amazon. 22.00

    I went super cheap on this project because I wanted to make sure I could get it to actually move before dumping too much money into it. I basically had everything lying around from other projects or got out of a scrap yard.

    Next thing I want to add is a usb e-brake, manual shifter, and pedals with a clutch.

    Forgot to mention the custom parts. For the potentiometers I 3d printed some gears for the motor and then the shaft of the pot. Not sure how they will hold up but they are working fine so far. The arms on the motor that move the chair up and down are water cut that I designed in fusion360 and then a buddy was able to cut at his work.

    I used a cv shaft from a side by side for the pivoting mechanism.

    I would like to get the chair to work with BeamNG next. Some employees from where I work caught wind of this project and now want me to look into making one for a display at work for flying drones using xplane.

    Attached Files:

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