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How to install Plugins?
Drag the plugin zip file into the SimTools PluginUpdater and it will install.
Close the SimTools PluginUpdater and restart SimTools.
The plugin will now be in the Axis Assignment drop down and you can create an Axis Assignment for it.
See also: https://www.xsimulator.net/community/threads/need-help-with-plugins.12291/#post-160259
See video guide here: https://www.xsimulator.net/community/threads/how-to-set-up-your-simtools-plug-in-dmax-video.16720/
Broken Memory Pointer Plugins
Here is a brief introduction to CheatEngine, which is used to find the pointers: https://www.xsimulator.net/community/faq/a-brief-introduction-to-using-cheat-engine.236/
And a visual overview of the steps involved: https://www.xsimulator.net/community/threads/lunarflight-plugin-steam-version.8082/#post-99014
@Pedro Pablo recommends this series of YouTube CheatEngine tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNffuWEygffbbT9Vz-Y1NXQxv2m6mrmHr
Supported Games, Tools and Dash Output
Driving Simulations
Motor Bike Simulations
Flight Simulations
Space Simulations
Other Simulations
Dash data (incomplete):
(Thanks to @@Matth.Gyver for compiling the data!)
- Asseto Corsa Plugin
-Speed [km/h], RPM,Gear, Shift, Light, Fuel[lt], Fuel [%], Car model, Track name
- DTM Experience Demo Plugin
- RPM, Max RPM, Fuel Pressure, Fuel, FuelCapacity, Water Temp, Engine Oil Temp, Oil Pressure, Speed, # of Laps, Completed Laps, Best Lap Time, Previous Lap Time, Current Lap Time, Position, # of Cars, Gear, Shift Light
- Formula Truck 2013 Plugin
-Speed, RPM, Gear, EngineWaterTemp, EngineOilTemp, Fuel, Fuel %, Headlights, Engine Overheating, Brake Overheating, TireDamage, ShiftUp, ShiftDown, PartsDetached, InPit, YellowFlagState, GamePhase, Flags 1. Sector, Flags 2. Sector, Flags 3. Sector.
- Game Stock Car Plugin
- Speed, RPM, Gear, EngineWaterTemp, EngineOilTemp, Fuel, Engine Overheating, Brake Overheating, TireDamage, ShiftUp, ShiftDown, PartsDetached, InPit, YellowFlagState, GamePhase, Flags 1. Sector, Flags 2. Sector, Flags 3. Sector.
- GP Bikes Plugin
-Speed, RPM, Gear, EngineWaterTemp, EngineOilTemp Fuel, Fuel [%], Engine Overheating, ShiftUp, ShiftDown, In pit
- GT Legends Plugin[/B]
- Speed, RPM, Gear, Actual Fuel Pressure, Fuel Litres, Fuel Capacity, Engine Water Temp, Engine Oil Temp, Engine Oil Pressure, Lap, Best Lap Time, Previous Lap Time, Current Lap Time, Position, # of Cars in Race
- GTR Plugin
-Speed, RPM, Gear, Actual Fuel Pressure, Fuel Litres, Fuel Capacity, Engine Water Temp, Engine Oil Temp, Engine Oil Pressure, Lap, Best Lap Time, Previous Lap Time, Current Lap Time, Position, # of Cars in Race
- IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover Plugin
-Speed, RPM, Roll, Pitch, Yaw, Altitude and Climb
- IL-2 Sturmovik: Forgotten Battles Plugin
-Speed, Turn, Roll, Pitch, Yaw, Altitude and Climb
- KartRacing Pro Plugin
- Speed, RPM, Gear, EngineWaterTemp, EngineOilTemp, Fuel, Fuel %, Engine Overheating, ShiftUp, ShiftDown
- RaceRoom The Game 2 Plugin
-Speed, RPM, Gear, Actual Fuel Pressure, Fuel Litres, Fuel Capacity, Engine Water Temp, Engine Oil Temp, Engine Oil Pressure, Lap, Best Lap Time, Previous Lap Time, Current Lap Time, Position, # of Cars in Race
- rFactor plugin
-Speed, RPM, Gear, EngineWaterTemp, EngineOilTemp, Fuel, Engine Overheating, Brake Overheating, TireDamage, ShiftUp, ShiftDown, PartsDetached, InPit, YellowFlagState, GamePhase, Flags 1. Sector, Flags 2. Sector, Flags 3. Sector.
- rFactor2 Plugin
- Speed, RPM, Gear, EngineWaterTemp, EngineOilTemp, Fuel, Fuel %, Headlights, Engine Overheating, Brake Overheating, TireDamage, ShiftUp, ShiftDown, PartsDetached, InPit, YellowFlagState, GamePhase, Flags 1. Sector, Flags 2. Sector, Flags 3. Sector.
- Richard Burns Rally (SSE) plugin
- Speed, RPM, GEAR
- World Racing Series Plugin
- Speed, RPM, Gear, EngineWaterTemp, EngineOilTemp Fuel, Fuel [%], Engine Overheating, ShiftUp, ShiftDown, In pit
Coins and how to download Plugins?
A SimTools license only covers the SimTools software, it does not cover access to plugins, if eligible you can apply for a free DIY SimTools license, or you can purchase a SimTools license.
There is a "download package" necessary to be able to download Plugins and to access the Plugin download section.
You can buy the download package with coins you get for forum activity or by purchasing a download package
- If you do not have enough coins you need to purchase a download package with fiat money or you need to earn at least 250 coins for forum activity that you can spent then for the download package.
- If you purchased a download package you can download as many plugins as you like to.
- One download costs you additional 10 coins which will be reduced from your account
- You are able to download plugins even when your coin account is negative but you are not able to purchase a new download package when you do not have enough coins and the download package is expired.
- You will earn new coins for activity in the forum. (See earning rates below)
- If you do not have enough coins and want to download right now you can purchase a Gold Supporter Status.
That Gold supporter status grants you the permission for accessing the plugin download section. - A gold supporter will get a badge below his avatar like this:
What do I get for which activity in coins?
- Registration: 10 Coins
- Update full profile: 10 Coins
- Upload avatar: 5 Coins
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- Thread deleted -6 Coins
- Thread get a reply: 1 Coin
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- Vote poll: 1 Coin
- Poll get a vote: 1 Coin
- Thread gets sticky: 10 Coins
- New post: 6 Coins (with word multiplicator for large and extended posts)
- Post deleted: -6 Coins
- Upload attachment: 5 Coins
- Download attachment: -10 Coins
- Attachment downloaded: 1 Coin
- Read Thread: 1 Coin
How to write a Plugin for SimTools 2.0 - API documentation
Video tutorial by @SilentChill - Cheat Engine - How to find Memory Hook Pointers for Star Wars Squadrons: https://www.xsimulator.net/communit...-hook-pointers-for-star-wars-squadrons.15425/
And some handy practical tips @value1 has given to finding memory pointer addresses with CheatEngine: http://www.xsimulator.net/community/threads/lunarflight-plugin-steam-version.8082/#post-99014
If you are developing a UDP plugins then @vthinsel created this handy record and playback tool: http://www.xsimulator.net/community/threads/udp-record-and-playback-in-python.8686/
Here is guide to advanced pointer scan:
Feeding multiple controllers into the Joystick Plugin
My controller hardware consists of Thrustmaster Warthog stick & throttle as well as MFG Crosswind rudder paddles, and I wanted to use all three of them for triggering rig movements.
After searching the Internet a little bit, I found the Universal Control Remapper (UCR), which can be downloaded as a zip file from here: https://github.com/snoothy/ucr/releases
This tool is already briefly mentioned in some threads of this forum, but in my opinion it deserves a bit more attention because it is very easy to use and fulfilled my requirements completely.
UCR allows you to define multiple controllers as input devices and map them onto a single output controller, which is exactly what you need for the Joystick Plugin. And this can be done in a very easy way via a graphical UI. (UCR also provides some sophisticated configuration options like creating new "providers", but these were not needed in my case.)
Here are the steps I performed:
- Download and unzip UCR (https://github.com/snoothy/ucr/releases)
- Download and install a controller plugin that serves as virtual output device. I took 'ViGEm', which emulates an XBox 360 controller. This plugin is available here: https://github.com/Snoothy/UCR/wiki/Core-Providers
- Run "UCR.exe". (No installation is required.)
- Click on "Add Profile"
- Select the input and output controllers.
- For configuring the stick, I used the "Axes to Axes" mapping: Click on the + button and configure the mapping of the input axes (in my case the X and Y axes of the Warthog stick) to the corresponding output axes (in my case the RX and RY axes of the emulated XBox controller).
- Proceed with mapping the other axes. Below you see that also my MFG Crosswind paddles could be mapped without any problems.
- You can even map buttons of your input devices to corresponding buttons of the output device, if needed.
- Save your config.
- Activate your profile via the "Play" button.
As soon as you do this, your Windows Device Manager will show the emulated output controller, in my case an XBox 360 controller.
- Start your previously installed Joystick Plugin, find the correct controller, and select it.
- Make sure that the Game Engine's Tuning Center shows the expected values when you are using your input devices.
Request a Plugin
If there is no existing motion plugin you have a few options. Your first step should be to contact the game devs to see what telemetry is possible and to pass on this handy guide if they are willing to add telemetry for motion: https://www.xsimulator.net/communit...ry-output-into-a-game-unity-and-ue4-code.287/
The second option is to code a plugin yourself, this is a overview to plugin development: https://www.xsimulator.net/communit...lugin-for-simtools-2-0-api-documentation.131/
Or add the game to the existing requested plugin thread: https://www.xsimulator.net/community/threads/game-plugin-requests.5839/
Worst case you can use the existing generic Joystick plugin for SimTools: https://www.xsimulator.net/community/faq/motion-for-unsupported-games.245/
How to delete plugins
: https://www.xsimulator.net/community/threads/how-to-delete-plugins.12657/#post-165931
Finding the Wreckfest memory addresses
Download the old version of SimTools 1.3 and plugins
Motion for unsupported games
Well don't despair, there is a generic Joystick Plugin that takes motion cues directly from the input of your peripheral controllers instead of the game, you can grab it here: http://www.xsimulator.net/community/marketplace/joystick-plugin.127/
As @auryza suggests you can use the "Xbox 360 Controller Emulator", to make any controller act like a xbox360 controller: http://www.xsimulator.net/community/threads/joystick-plugin.6160/page-2#post-107565
Cheat Engine YouTube Tutorials
@Wagnard recommends this tutorial on how to find pointers: https://www.xsimulator.net/communit...orizons-plugin-xml-edition.12955/#post-170700
@Pedro Pablo recommends this series of YouTube tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNffuWEygffbbT9Vz-Y1NXQxv2m6mrmHr
Source: http://www.xsimulator.net/community/threads/cheat-engine-tutorials.8456/
A brief introduction to using Cheat Engine
Here @value1 gives a basic introduction on finding values using Cheat Engine: http://www.xsimulator.net/community/threads/elite-dangerous-plugin.6108/page-13#post-100495
There are more examples how to find memory hooks:
Wings of Prey
War Thunder
This here is a sketch, how to find the telemetry data for Elite: Dangerous. It's not a tutorial for CheatEngine.
A) Pitch, roll and yaw are the easy ones.
You roll the spacecraft to the left and search for values of about 1.77, roll right and search for values of about -1.77. Repeat until you finally end up with 5 memory locations with these values.
Find a stable pointer to one of these memory locations.
-4 will be the yaw value and -8 will be the pitch value.
B) The more tricky values are surge, sway and heave.
In training mode accelerate the spacecraft forward and search for values < -1.1
Brake and accelerate the spacecraft backward and search for values > +1.1
Repeat this step until you have only a few memory locations which appear to contain the surge acceleration.
C) Unfortunately these values are in world coordinates. So you now have to find the transformation matrix.
This is a 3×4 matrix with all values < 1 and with
│fx fy fz f0│
│rx ry rz r0│
│ux uy uz u0│
│f│ = √(fx² + fy² + fz²) = 1
│r│ = √(rx² + ry² + rz²) = 1
│u│ = √(ux² + uy² + uz²) = 1
[u ] = [f] × [r]
So search for 12 consecutive memory locations that fulfil these conditions.
Once you have found such a matrix, check, if it changes when moving the spacecraft and make sure, it does not change, when you look around in the ship.
Again find the stable pointers pointing to the first element of the matrix.
Now as you have found the surge speed (and not the surge acceleration) in step B) you will have to calculate the acceleration by surge acceleration SA = ΔSs/Δt (with Ss = surge speed)
For the transformation of world coordinates to local coordinates the calculation is (in principle)
sx = Sx · fx + Sy · fy + Sz ·fz
sy = Sx · rx + Sy · fy + Sz ·rz
sz = Sx · ux + Sy · uy + Sz ·uz
s =surge acceleration in local coordinates, S = surge acceleration in world coordinates
The order of the f,r,u and s may be changed, depending on the coordinate system. You have to try, what makes sense.
And you're done.
You might need some time to find these values and pointers. It takes ma typically between one and two days…
How to unpatch plugin without game
You can manually remove the old path file by deleting the relevant game file in: c:\user\Your_User_Name\AppData\Local\SimTools\GameManager\GamePathSaves
Credit @eaorobbie: http://www.xsimulator.net/community/threads/how-to-unpatch-plugin-without-game.5831/#post-61244
How to keep my settings in case of a Plugin update?
but there is a new plugin release...
Follow this procedure in order to keep your fine tuning unerased :
- Open the zip file and drag'n'drop the dll only into the Plugin-Updater.
- Leave the MaxMin file untouched.

Thanks @value1 !