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Flypt Mover - Warnings, Overview and Supported Games

The use of motion rigs can be dangerous and cause physical harm to the users or people near the rig.
Pay special attention to children!
Also, bad setups can cause hardware damage. Always verify carefully the setup before using it.
I don't assume any responsibility for physical damage you may suffer or damage caused to the hardware.

1-What is FlyPT Mover?
It's a software to get info from the games, SimTools or other applications and generate outputs to the hardware.
In between, you can play with the values and generate motion using motion cuing algorithms or pass values directly to the hardware.

2-How it works?
It works in a modular way.
We have various types of modules (windows) that send data to another module.
Modules can be of those type:
-Sources, that receive the data we want to convert in motion
-Poses, that filter the data to generate a movement that fits the limits of a rig
-Rigs, that are a group of actuators settings that define your rig
-Outputs, that output the calculated actuators positions to the hardware
-Directs, to generate an actuator from a source value (not using the pose)
-Visualisation modules, to show graphs and 3D views of the rig

3-What games are directly supported by Mover?
Please look at the Mover thread to get a list of currently supported games. <<< SEE BELLOW

4-How much do I have to pay?
Mover is free for personal use. If you want to donate, you can do it through the links available in the main window of Mover.

5-Is it easy to setup?
At each version, I will try to add simpler ways of setting up your rig and filters.
But to use it at full power/features, I highly recommend you to understand the filters and what is the result of applying a filter.
It's also important to understand what type of movements should be used to trick our brain to think we are in the real thing.
Please read the manual. <<< IT'S WIP AND WILL COME WITH THE NEW 2.9 VERSION

6-What type of rigs Mover supports?
I could say all, because you can define individual actuators.
But full support with rig filtering included, is done for:
-Stewart platforms with linear or rotating actuators (6DOF)
-3DOF rigs like the SFX100 types with 4 actuators touching the ground.
-3DOF rigs with 3 actuators touching the ground (1 front or 1 at the rear)
-3DOF rigs with rotating actuators
If you have traction loss in a 3DOF rig, you can add an extra actuator as a direct for that task.

7-Can we control fans?
Yes, a fan is an actuator.
It's an actuator that depends on the speed received by the source.
So we can use a direct to define that actuator and then send it to the hardware with an output.

8-Can we use Mover with G Systems?
Yes, see #7.
You can associate individual actuators to specific values from the sources.

9-Can we use Mover to control dash hardware?
You can control any hardware with any of the received values. See #6 again.
So for example you can use the speed in the source to move an RC servo that moves a needle showing the speed.
Info available for that is limited for now, but may increase if requested.

10-Does it needs or replaces SimTools?
Simtools is not needed for the games Mover supports directly. But you can use Simtools as a source to use Mover with games supported by Simtools and not supported by Mover.
Also, SimTools as features that are not present in Mover.

11-Is it hard to install? To many files?
No, it's just an executable.
All other files are samples, files needed to communicate with games and the manual pdf.
You need only the executable file and the setup file you generate in Mover.

12-Is it to heavy in memory/cpu?
It can be heavy, if you use high precision calculation loops.
In this mode, load is above normal, but Mover uses the available resources, so if you don't have them, it should increase calculation times.
Standard is 2 ms calculation loops with low precision. But you can change it depending on your system.
Also, the interface works in a separated thread. It can become slow, but should not affect the calculations.
After setting up Mover, you should hide all modules to avoid the modules updates.

13-I can't understand the filters!
From version 2.9, I will include a filter explanation.
Look at filters as a way of changing a received value.
From the received values we can generate a graphic of the value changing in time.
Using a filter on the received value is going to change that graphic.
For example we can smooth it with a low pass filter or we can get just the spikes with an high pass filter.

List of supported games in the new 2.9 version:

Assetto Corsa
Assetto Corsa Competizioni
RFactor (and derivates)
RFactor 2
Automobilista (is a RFactor derivate)
Piboso GP Bikes
Piboso MX Bikes
Piboso World Racing Series
Piboso Kart Racing Pro
F1 2019
DiRT Rally (Also supports other Codemasters games like DiRT 3)
DiRT Rally 2

IL2 Sturmovik

Other games
No Limits 2

Other apps
Flypt Mover
Feb 13, 2020
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