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Game Tips and Fixes
Game Tips and Fixes
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Here you will find the games SimTools supports, those that community members would like to have motion added, notifications about game discounts and bargains, tips and fixes, and more.
Codemaster Games: 64/32 bit install path for motion patching
32bit is patched to the game install path.
For example 64bit Dirt Rally is patched to C:\Users\Your_User_Name\Documents\My Games\DiRT Rally
X-Plane UDP settings
In the Data Output settings, last column "Network via UDP" click
- 3 Speeds
- 4 Mach, VVI, g-load
- 16 Angular velocities
- 17 Pitch, roll, & headings
- 37 Engine RPM
- 38 Propeller RPM
Click Send network data output and enter IP Address and Port 4123.
Assetto Corsa - Car, Track & Utility mod recommendations
Team Fusion Mod for IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover
Thankfully a dedicated band of modders have transformed what was a bit of a train wreck of a game into one of the best WW2 combat sims available, so if you grab IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover then the Team Fusion mod is a must have addition: http://www.jagdgeschwader4.de/index.php/forum/allgemeine-themen/820-teamfusion-patches-zum-download
Team Fusion install video guides here: http://theairtacticalassaultgroup.com/forum/showthread.php?t=6290
Dirt Rally ports
As @frenchfly explains here Dirt Rally now supports more than one udp entry in hardware settings so you no longer need the proxy server, for example:
<motion enabled="true" extradata="1" delay="1" port="10001" ip=""/> <motion enabled="true" extradata="1" delay="1" port="4123" ip=""/>
T500rs wheel setting for Assetto Corsa & PCars
No Limits 2 V2.2 and higher - How to activate telemetry
In order to activate the telemetry in the simulation, you must start NLS with the option --telemetry. Note: There must be two "-" in front of the "telemetry"!
Non-Steam version:
Create a shortcut to nolimits2app.exe – right click on Properties and add to the the Target --telemetry Note: There must be two "-" in front of the "telemetry"!
Steam version:
In your steam client library right-click on the NoLimits 2 Roller Coaster Simulation, select Properties and click on Start Options and add --telemetry
Gran Turismo 4 emulator
Download all 3 Bios:
EUR v2.0
http://mundo-emulacion.jimdo.com/app/download/1311970916/EUR 2.0.rar?t=1230486944
USA v1.6
http://mundo-emulacion.jimdo.com/app/download/1311987916/USA 1.6.rar?t=1230487979
JAP v1.0
http://mundo-emulacion.jimdo.com/app/download/1311999616/JAP 1.0.rar?t=1230487441
Decompress and copy all 3 "scph*****.bin" files into your "PCSX2/bios" folder located in your "Documents" folder.
USBqemu wheel mod - Version:1-6-2014
Decompress and copy inside "PCSX2 1.2.1/plugin" folder wherever you installed.
Then run PCSX2 and choose USA bios.
Configure your keys, graphics, plugins, etc and load the game (ISO).
Show off your game action video
Tweaking Daytona USA
Sometimes oldies really are goodies, like Daytona USA.
Thankfully @Boomslangnz has made it really easy to tweak Daytona USA to get the most out of it: http://www.xsimulator.net/community/threads/daytona-usa-plugin.7028/#post-81254
FSX/Prepar3D .NET error
Go to your FSX or Prepar3D installation directory…\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v2\redist\Interface\FSX-RTM\retail\lib\ and run SimConnect.msi.
Go to …\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v2\redist\Interface\FSX-SP1\retail\lib\ and run SimConnect.msi.
Go to …\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v2\redist\Interface\FSX-SP2-XPACK\retail\lib\ and run SimConnect.msi.
Credit @value1: http://www.xsimulator.net/community/threads/p3d-simtool-crash.5983/page-2#post-67837
Prepar3D - Guide to realistic motion settings
Getting the most out of a flight simulator with motion is tricky, but @Archie has put together a guide to show what is possible with Prepar3D, including how to get around some of the physics based limitation of motion simulators: http://www.xsimulator.net/community/threads/getting-the-most-out-of-p3d-and-your-sim.6889/
Codemasters - Use Simdash and Simtools simultaneously
@yobuddy recommends doing this: https://www.xsimulator.net/communit...imhub-dashboard-no-working.11017/#post-169164
You need to edit the "Documents\My Games\DiRT Rally\hardware_settings_config.xml" file.
Patch the game with SimTools and then open the file and find this line.
"<udp enabled="true" extradata="3" ip="" port="4123" delay="1" />"
what you want to do is copy it and add to more like this.
<udp1 enabled="true" extradata="3" ip="" port="20777" delay="10" />
<udp2 enabled="true" extradata="3" ip="" port="20778" delay="10" />
You may have to patch with the other apps to figure out the extradata=? value and the needed delay=? value first.
@puresound recommends doing the following: http://www.xsimulator.net/community/threads/codemasters-dirt-rally-plugin.6823/page-11#post-93765
Example :GRID2
Copy the grid executable (grid2_avx.exe ) to your desktop
Then rename by (drt.exe)=DiRT Rally.
Return back the file to the folder and execute it
All of CodemastersProxyServer_v2.4.2a + simdash + simtools will see the game as DiRT Rally
Here @prodigy explains how to use the Codemasters proxy so you can use Simdash and Simtools simultaneously: http://www.xsimulator.net/community/threads/codemasters-dirt-rally-plugin.6823/page-3#post-78221
Another approach outlined by @Martyn is to change the port to concurrently run the likes of SimCommander and SimHub with SimTools: https://www.xsimulator.net/community/threads/no-move-with-dirt-rally.10704/#post-139939
Edit file hardware_settings_config.xml in \documents|My Games\Dirt Rally\hardwaresettings.
Find and edit part which begins with
and end
</motion_platform> and edit it like this:
<dbox enabled="true" />
<udp enabled="true" extradata="3" ip="" port="20777" delay="1" />
<udp enabled="true" extradata="3" ip="" port="4123" delay="1" />
<fanatec enabled="false" pedalVibrationScale="1.0" wheelVibrationScale="1.0" ledTrueForGearsFalseForSpeed="true" />
This way you should have simtools AND Sim Hub working.For rest of your stuff you have to find out which ports the software is using and add another row like
<udp enabled="true" extradata="3" ip="" port="PORT NUMBER FOR SIM COMMANDER" delay="1" />
for each software.
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